unlocking potential - reaching new heights

Transforming Educators

 Influencing national and international teacher and student beliefs and practices for teaching and learning mathematics


Ready to achieve better results?

Using best practice techniques and proven educational tools to produce measurable increased learning

Feedback & Reviews

“Carrie Zielinski helped me transform my educational practices. I was fortunate to be in a two-year cohort professional development experience led by Carrie. This cohort deepened my own understanding of mathematics in order to improve my students’ performance. Prior to this experience, I was good at following the rules in a given formula. I knew the quadratic equation, I could solve multi-digit multiplication problems using a standard algorithm, but I did not TRULY understand the mathematics. This was getting in the way of me being a highly effective teacher. After my experiences, I felt energized. Not only did I see connections between concepts, but also I could truly explain them to my colleagues and my students. I could see connections between ideas that I had never seen before.”

“My experiences with Carrie changed me. I learned to celebrate the struggle and allow the children the opportunity to understand mathematics in a way that I wished I had been taught.”

Ellen McDonald

Mathematics/Science Instructional Coach

Awarded in 2019 PAEMST – Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching

Ellen McDonald Instructional Coach PAEMST 2019

“When I first met Carrie, I was a literacy coach and I didn’t think much of math. But then I returned to the classroom for 3 years, and with Carrie’s guidance, I fell in love with math! Carrie has since been working with our school and supporting teachers in our journey to create math lessons that students look forward to, make sense of, enjoy, yet challenge their thinking. Carrie’s quiet and very humble manner makes it so easy for our teachers to trust and respect her. We have grown so much as math teachers and of course, so have our students!”

Maria Lagoutte

Math Coach American School of Paris

Paris, France

“Dr Zielinsk has partnered with Northville Public Schools since 2015. The focus of her work has been to strengthen mathematical resources, unit design and pedagogy supporting all students to think as mathematicians. In 2018, Dr Zielinski facilitated a comprehensive math pilot program which included over 50 N.P.S. teachers. Using tools such as teacher voice, research and student input, she aided the program adoption in the fall of 2019. Teachers practice the program with fidelity, and with a lens of implementing differentiated best-practice instruction, for all students.

Dr Zielinski has also been pivotal to the implementation of Number Talks at Northville Schools. Students and teachers work together reflecting on numeracy practices, understanding algorithms and explainging their mathematical thinking in Mathematician’s notebooks. Students are able to apply both Bloom’s Taxonomy and Webb’s Depth of Knowledge vocabulary to mathematical practice and understanding. The success of Northville’s K-5 math implementation is a testimony to Dr. Zielinski’s work and talent.”

Sandra Brock, Ph. D.

Director of Instructional Programs and Services

“Attending Carrie’s training about Math Workshop transformed my teaching practice, not only in math but other areas of instruction. After attending her workshop, I realized my role as teacher had to shift from one who was the purveyor of knowledge to one who listened carefully to student’s mathematical thinking. Carrie’s pedagogy helped me internalize that student thinking and understanding should drive my instruction. This paradigm shift allowed students to grow exponentially from the high level mathematical tasks placed before them. The thinking and questioning they learned through Math Workshop stayed with them for years to come and they remained strong achievers in mathematics. I feel grateful and truly blessed to have been able to attend this training, it exceeded my expectations, changed me as a teacher, and was the best training I received in my 32 year career as an educator. I give this training my highest recommendation as it changes students from learners of procedural knowledge to problem solving thinkers- it is outstanding!”

Jill Santola


Bailey Lake Elementary

“Carrie’s passion and dedication for the learning and teaching of mathematics has been truly inspiring. Her knowledge and expertise have helped me grow exponentially as a coach over the past two years. Carrie has also partnered with our elementary and middle school teachers to increase their knowledge of mathematics through modeling engaging lessons and providing meaningful Professional Development. She is helping transform both our teachers and students in believing themselves to be mathematicians, while bringing excitement back to the subject.”

Shannon Scott

Mathematics Coach

Allendale Elementary

“We are certainly feeling grateful here as we continue face to face with our beautiful kids. We were celebrating you last night as we shared our Math MAP data at a Board meeting, which showed clear evidence that student learning has been enhanced significantly since we began working with you and with the adoption of our math program…so great!”

Daniel Kerr

Lower School Director American School of Paris

Paris, France

Photo of Daniel Kerr